The Montessori Spanish Series is a dedicated program for introducing young children to the Spanish language, so that they’re better prepared for a multilingual future. Based on Montessori techniques honed for years in the classroom, our Spanish Lesson Plans are designed to make learning Spanish easy for kids, and for the adults that teach them.
E-Mail Montessori Spanish Series to find out more about our cutting-edge program, based on tried and true Montessori techniques, or visit our website for additional information today!
Lesson Planning Means Less Cramming: How Our System Works
Our lesson plans are divided into simple, easy-to-digest segments that group similar concepts for increased learning and retention. Discrete categories like greetings, telling time and identifying foodstuffs help students learn the information and keep it for life. We offer plan for preschool and elementary students of all ages, and tailor our program too the needs of kids and teachers alike—so everyone walks away educated.
Visit the Montessori Spanish Series Website for more information on our complete line of Spanish language lesson plans and other learning accessories, and your children will be trying out their next language in no time!